Strategic Influence in the New World
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Session Details
Guest: Owen Fitzpatrick, Psychologist, Author and Speaker
Host: Elaine Carroll, CEO, All-Ireland Business Foundation
Leadership Series: Session Details
Being right is not enough. In the uncertain world we live in, our ability to influence others has fast become one of the most indispensable skills in the workplace. In this session, you will learn the most important elements of strategic influence and persuasion and gain applicable insights into how to get your message across in a way that works.
During the session:
You will learn how to:
Meet The Speaker: Owen Fitzpatrick
Owen Fitzpatrick is a Psychologist and International Best Selling Author. His TEDX Talk ‘Mind Control’ has been viewed by more than 1.3 million people worldwide. He has travelled the world to more than 100 countries and spoken to audiences in over 30 of them.
His 8 books have been translated into more than 15 languages. Having shared the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson and Seth Godin, Owen is regarded as a leading expert on the topics of psychology, influence and change and has worked with billionaires, olympic athletes and companies such as Google, LinkedIn, Pfizer, Ogilvy and Barclays to name but a few. From Dublin, Ireland originally, Owen is now based in New York.
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About All-Ireland Business Foundation
The All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF) is an independent national body that identifies, acknowledges and supports the country’s most ambitious and visionary business leaders.
As the awarding body for Business All-Star Accreditation Quality Mark, it identifies and recognises best-in-class Irish businesses that deserve recognition for their trust and customer-centricity. Currently, there are over 400 companies that are accredited.
Since 2014, over 2500 companies have participated in our programmes. The Foundation also hosts the annual All-Ireland Summit and quarterly forums while promoting peer-learning and collaboration among it’s accredited companies.
About Business All-Star Accreditation
Business All-Star accredited companies are progressive indigenous Irish businesses that meet the highest standards of verified performance, trust and customer centricity.
We believe in a marketplace where Best-in-Class companies are clearly identifiable and where consumers can purchase with confidence from All-Star accredited businesses. The Foundation promotes its accredited businesses to Irish consumers, giving them confidence and reassurance when making their purchasing decisions.
The Foundation offers Accredited All-Star businesses the opportunity to engage in peer-dialogue, collaboration and support each other by forming part of the foundation's TRIBE - The Register of Irish Business Excellence .
Are you proud of your achievements as a business?
National body responsible for accrediting Best-in-Class Irish businesses, convening the All-Ireland Business Summit and Awards.
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