Signup For Complimentary Masterclass

Masterclass Details

This is a masterclass designed to give you a major breakthrough to be a consistently, significantly-better presenter. Join Gavin Duffy as he unlocks the secret of memory to help you deliver memorable presentations. You will learn how to regularly deliver better presentations, speeches, pitches, talks, sales, or demo’s that are relatable and, most importantly, actionable. Don’t miss this highly intensive, practical session if you want to be twice as good, or as most people are over-critical of themselves, you won’t be half as bad.

Topics Include The Following:

  • How to master the 3Cs of great presentations, Context, Content and Continuity.

  • How to best sequence the messages in your talk so it is easier to deliver and memorable for your audience.

  • Tell them what you are going to talk about, talk about and repeat it, is as obsolete as VHS Tapes, Walkman, and phone boxes. You need a 21st century structure for your presentations.

  • The magic of ‘the small picture - big sound technique’ for supporting your talk audio visually.

Meet The Speaker: Gavin Duffy​

Gavin Duffy is best known for his work with entrepreneurs on all eight series of RTE’s Dragons’ Den. Behind the scenes, he has spent the past 35 years delivering consultancy, leadership and business development to SMEs, start-ups, corporations and social change entities. He has coached and advised a number of the country's top CEOs and Managing Partners about getting their message across in Presentations.


Gavin’s early career in the media included presenting the first RTE television business programme, Marketplace; broadcasting on Morning Ireland on RTE Radio One, and founding regional radio station LMFM. Later Gavin became a serial entrepreneur and is now a veteran of over 40 start-ups. From his first €1M+ investment in 1992 his venture capital portfolio has been concentrated on recruitment, marketing, FMCG, professional development, education and media.

Click Here To Sign Up

About All-Ireland Business Foundation

The All-Ireland Business Foundation (AIBF) is an independent national body that identifies, acknowledges and supports the country’s most ambitious and visionary business leaders.


As the awarding body for Business All-Star Accreditation Quality Mark, it identifies and recognises best-in-class Irish businesses that deserve recognition for their trust and customer-centricity. Currently, there are over 400 companies that are accredited. 


Since 2014, over 2500 companies have participated in our programmes. The Foundation also hosts the annual All-Ireland Summit and quarterly forums while promoting peer-learning and collaboration among it’s accredited companies.

About Business All-Star Accreditation

Business All-Star accredited companies are progressive indigenous Irish businesses that meet the highest standards of verified performance, trust and customer centricity.

We believe in a marketplace where Best-in-Class companies are clearly identifiable and where consumers can purchase with confidence from All-Star accredited businesses. The Foundation promotes its accredited businesses to Irish consumers, giving them confidence and reassurance when making their purchasing decisions.

The Foundation offers Accredited All-Star businesses the opportunity to engage in peer-dialogue, collaboration and support each other by forming part of the foundation's TRIBE - The Register of Irish Business Excellence.

Are you proud of your achievements as a business?

This is your chance to potentially become an All-Star Accredited Business and
be recognised for excellence in your industry


National body responsible for accrediting Best-in-Class Irish businesses, convening the All-Ireland Business Summit and Awards.


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